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Leaders need to see from multiple perspectives

Leaders need to see from multiple perspectives

 Complexity and Control Jordan Greenhall recently used an interesting metaphor for why we have ended up with hierarchical organisations and leaders who operate from control-based structures in order to manage complexity.  I’ll quote it in fully here because I doubt I could express it any better:

Adaptive Action and Schroedinger’s Cat

Adaptive Action and Schroedinger’s Cat

Two articles particularly caught my eye this week. Both are well worth a read. The first, by Lisa Gill, begins by quoting Margaret Wheatley who suggests that: “I realised I had been living in a Schroedinger’s cat world in every organisation I had ever been in. Each of these organisations had myriad boxes, drawn in endess renderings of organisational charts. Within each of these boxes lay “a cat,” a human being, rich in potential, whose fate was determined, always and irrevocably, by the act of observation.” 

“Feelings of tendency”

“Feelings of tendency”

This is taken from William James “Stream of Thought” chapter. In it he argues that we have often ignored the “transitive” parts of the the stream of our thing and placed undue emphasis on the “substantive” parts. By doing so, he suggests, we have tended to confuse ” …the thoughts themselves … and the things of which they are aware.” In these circumstances he argues that … ‘tendencies’ are not only descriptions from without, but they are among the objects of the stream, which is thus aware of them from within, and must be described as in very large measure constituted as feelings …

Words in their speaking

Words in their speaking

We don’t just use words and language to name and describe things. More often than not our words are designed to do things: to direct; to evoke; to command; to unsettle and to pacify or calm – and much more!. As obvious as this may seem, and as central as it is to how we go about our everyday business, we generally have very limited awareness of this aspect of our own involvement in the various circumstances that go to make up the multitude of intersecting worlds we inhabit. Part of the reason for this low level of awareness is, …

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